Mahmud Tukur: Leader with exceptional quality

Wole Olajide

Mahmud Tukur is a highly intelligent management professional with over two decades of experience and skills in the Oil & Gas and Maritime sectors. He is the Managing Director of Eterna Plc.

A joint honours graduate of Accounting & Management from the Business School of the University of Wales College, Mahmud has a solid track record of business success and well-developed organisational skills and in the Oil & Gas and Maritime sectors.

Mr. Tukur served as the MD/CEO of Daddo Maritime Services Limited, a foremost indigenous maritime services company. He is the Vice Chairman of Eco-Marine Group, a shipping line and Terminal Operator with operations throughout West Africa and an Executive Director of Independent Energy Limited (IEL), an indigenous Oil Exploration and Production Company. IEL is the operator of the Ofa marginal field.

Mahmud sits on the Boards of Dragnet Solutions Limited and Micro-Access Limited. He also sits on the Board of Bourbon International as an Independent Director.

He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Shipping in Nigeria and a member of the Governing Council of the Nigerian Chamber of Shipping.

Eterna was incorporated on the 13th of January 1989 as Eterna Oil & Gas Limited and commenced business in 1991and later became a public limited Company in 1997.

In the bid to carve a niche as a manufacturer and marketer of reliable, efficient and high quality lubricants and oil products, Eterna established a technical trading relationship with Castrol BP in 1991 – the pioneers in global lubricant technology and specialty chemicals. This relationship gave rise to a distributorship agreement and an exclusive right to import and market Castrol products in Nigeria and the ECOWAS sub-region.

Today, Eterna’s lubes blending plant is the third plant in Africa with a state-of the-art laboratory to exclusively manufacture Castrol products and the only one that caters for the West African markets.

The brand have significantly, expanded its retail network in the coastal areas in order to enhance its cashflows and profitability with the acquisition of a Coastal Tank Farm in Lagos with a capacity of 34 million Litres, Aviation Fuel Depot, Development of a Coastal Storage and Roll-out of Several filling stations across the country.

With the vision to be the energy company that delivers exceptional value, the management team of Eterna push the business boundaries with innovation, high performance and principles.


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