Osun, Delta, others not regular in remitting pension contributions

Matthew Otoijagha

States such as Ogun; Delta; Osun; Anambra and Niger are really struggling to meet their pension contributions responsibilities, it has been reliably leant.

Data obtained from the National Pension Commission (PenCom) revealed that remittances by Osun state are inconsistent resulting in huge backlog of pension contributions, while Ogun State had largely stopped remitting except for few State Corporations, albeit inconsistently, hence, the State has huge arrears of unremitted pension contributions.

For Delta State, the Local Governments are remitting only employees’ portion of pension contributions, and in Anambra State, Ministries Departments and Agencies (MDAs) are remitting only employees’ portion of pension contributions, while Niger State suspended implementation of the Contributory Pension Scheme (CPS) in 2015, but amended the law in 2017 to recommence implementation.

PenCom maintained that Lagos, Ondo; Jigawa; Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Ekiti; Kaduna and Edo are fully complying.  The pension regulator noted that Yobe State is yet to take action on embracing the CPS, while 30 others are either remitting just employee’s portion.

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