Health Benefits of Deworming

Nrs. Oke Ololade

Recently, my roommate complained about  her eye lids moving on its own, so she requested me to help her check it, which I confirmed to be so. Then, I asked her when was the last time she dewormed herself. Surprisingly, she replied, “that’s probably when i was a little girl.” I could only imagine how many years ago that was and the legions of worms already occupying her intestines.  I encouraged her to complain to  the doctor on duty with her to cross check with my suspicion. After seeing the doctor, she told me the doctor told her similar thing. Incidentally, I was experiencing increased appetite for food during that period and people were complaining I was looking too skinny. I also noticed I was always feeling nauseous after eating. And since it appears we were having same problem but different signs and symptoms,  we agreed to deworm ourselves. Few days later, she told me the movement had stopped and I noticed my increased urge for food has also stopped and I was not feeling nauseous anymore. I have the pleasure to introduce this topic to you and it would form the basis of our discussion for the current week’s edition on family and corporate wellness. We shall vividly examine the meaning of deworming, its importance, the signs and symptoms to show that intestinal worms are present in your body, treatments and preventive measures.

To start with, Deworming is the process of expelling intestinal worms or parasitic worms from the body by administering an anthelmintic medicine/drug. In a more simplistic terms, it is a medicated process to kill worms. Parasitic worms can lead to malnutrition. Deworming tablets allow people to absorb the critical nutrients needed to be and stay healthy. Parasitic worms and their larvae are generally found in contaminated food and water in poor communities or areas where cleaning does not frequently happen. Those who walk without wearing any socks or shoes in high-risk areas are most likely to contract worms.


Symptoms of the presence of Intestinal Worms in the human body


Common symptoms include:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting
  • Gas/bloating
  • Redness or rash on the buttocks
  • Fatigue
  • Urinating frequently
  • Weight loss
  • Tiredness, weakness or hunger due to worms.
  • Abdominal pain or tenderness
  • Dehydration
  • Blood in the stool


Treatment of Intestinal Worms


Although intestinal worms sound like a serious medical condition, treatment is often straightforward. In some cases, the person may not need any treatment or medication at all if they have a healthy immune system. In other cases, gastroenterologists will sometimes choose to monitor the person first to see if their body can take care of the worm before moving on to medication. During this period, the individual should report any symptoms they might be having. In other cases, gastroenterologists will use one or more antiparasitic medications to get rid of the intestinal worm.

In addition to the medicine that kills the intestinal worm, you may need medicine to reduce inflammation or other symptoms, like nausea, that you are having.

Everyone in your family should be treated, even if they don’t have symptoms.


Prevention and Home Treatment Remedies


One of the most important aspects of prevention is basic sanitation.

For example, people should always wash their hands both before and after using the toilet to avoid possible exposure.

Washing the hands before cooking or handling food is also very essential.

Many intestinal worms enter the body through the food that a person eats. As a result, it is essential to follow some safe food and general cleanliness practices:

  • Do not defecate in the open, always use a toilet
  • Disinfect your toilet seat regularly
  • Cook meat properly before eating
  • Always wash your hands properly with water and soap before eating & after using the toilet
  • Always trim your nails and keep them short & clean
  • Always wear slippers or shoes while using the toilet
  • Never leave food uncovered
  • Always drink filtered or bottled water
  • Do not ever eat raw vegetables and fruits without washing them with clean water.


Some home remedies are also beneficial for deworming and to ease the discomfort:

  • Garlic – Raw garlic is charged with amino acids containing sulphur, which act as natural deworm for children by killing parasites and expelling them out of your body for good.
  • Pumpkin seeds – are rich in cucurbitacin, which can paralyze worms and make it impossible for them to survive inside the body.
  • Raw Papaya is known for its medicinal properties due to an enzyme Papain found in it. This enzyme works as an anthelmintic which kills intestinal worms whereas papaya seeds help to expel worms out of the body.
  • Carrots – are rich in Vitamin A, known for immune-boosting properties which help your body to fight against intestinal worms.
  • Turmeric is famous for its medicinal and antiseptic properties for long. It helps to eliminate parasitic worms from your body and also in healing internally.
  • Coconuts are rich in lauric acid, which forms into monolaurin, a compound known for enhancing immunity. A strong immune system helps your body ward off or eradicate parasitic worms from your body.



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