Sir Isaac Newton, in defining relativity did postulate that the way that anything except light moves through time and space depends on the position and movement of someone who is watching. Stated in a simpler form, please note the followings:
- The speed of light is constant for all observers. In other words, light is not a constant, it is always moving.
- All observers moving at constant speeds should be subject to the same physical laws. In other words, there are physical laws that man can’t change and that all are subject to these physical laws. All men are also subject to these physical laws. The law are imposition on men.
- Time must change according to the speed of a moving object relative to the frame of reference of an observer. The concept of time states that it changes relative to the speed of the user of time. In other words, the delivery derivable from the object called ‘time’ is directly proportional to its user. On its own, time delivers nothing, it only moves. It only delivers when the user chooses to make use of it.
Please note, we are not talking Physics here per se but the key take homes in aged notions and facts of science in relationship of daily living. To this end, I make bold top say that Sir Isaac Newton’s theory of relativity that can guide us all today to retire well and happy. But how?
- There are variables in life that man has no power to change. These variables include light, time and space. How do I mean? Light often changes to becomes darkness only to reappear in hours, the changing phases of light is what is known as time whereas, light and time resides also in what is known as space.
- As light changes to become darkness, time is formed in the created seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, season until it becomes time.
- Light, time and space are guided by laws which man can’t alter.
- Light, time and space remain for man to either use to personal advantage or un-use for personal disadvantage. Usage is relative.
- Light, time and space also impose changes in man even as they change. Because light, time and space seamlessly change. These changes often come upon humans unnoticed
- Humans most often are engrossed in planning to cope with the changes imposed by light and space but not time. For example, electricity and other forms of human creations are deployed to cater for darkness when natural light changes, human efforts are also often deployed to take care of noticeable changes in the space we occupy but time is often left unplanned for.
- Like earlier said, time comes in light and dark, minutes becoming hours and then to days. Culmination of days become weeks and weeks become months which form what is known as years. That is why you have a date of birth. That is why your time in the space we occupy counts as your age. Guess what? Culmination of your age also is what is referred to as time.
Let us look at how these all play out in the retirement planning discuss.
ASSUMPTION: 2018 being the current year
What can you notice in table 1?
- As the count of date in year increases from 1958 to 1998, the count of current age reduces from 60 to 20 while the number of years to retirement also increases from 0 to 40. This is real game of numbers. Did you observe that in 2018 a man born in 1958 has no year left to retire? Technically, it suggests that at that age, the entire time left to plan for life after retirement had been fully and irredeemably spent.
- A man or woman born in 1998 has 40 full years to plan beginning from 2018 just like the man who has zero year left in 2018 has 40 full years to plan in 1978. In other words, the man who was born in 1958 was in 1978, what a man born in 1998 is in 2018.
Let’s go further:
For the man born in 1958, the most critical period of his life was 2008 for that was when he had just ten years to retirement. If such a fellow had failed to buckle up at that age, retirement in 2018 would be pretty difficult.
When were you born? The table below helps you define your critical year.
- The assumption here is that ten years to retirement is critical. You can decide what yours is but you must decide on what year. You can draw your own table.
- You should determine what your nest egg should be. What do you intend to retire into and how?
- How do you arrive at the above?
- Knowing full well that light, time and space are no constant, if you were born in 1998 and your critical year is assumed to be 2048, what do you think the economy will look like then? The best you can do is work with the today you can see and know by planning well to the best of your abilities without wastages. When tomorrow comes and it is favourable, it becomes an advantage and if not, your earlier plan will rise in defence.
Good luck. Please feel free to reach me via