Update: Prestige Assurance Announces 3kobo Dividend in its FY’18 Results

Following the 2018 Audited Financial Statements released by Prestige Assurance to the public on Monday 15th April through the Market’s Corporate Disclosure has announced its Full year Dividend information today 18th April, 2019 as follows:

Period Ended            ’31st December 2018
Proposed Dividend A Final Dividend of 3 kobo per 50 kobo share subject to shareholders’ approval and appropriate withholding tax will be paid to shareholders whose names appear in the Register of Members as at the close of business on Friday 3 May 2019.
Proposed Bonus NIL
Closure of Register The Register of Shareholders will be closed from Monday the 6th of May to Friday 10thof May 2019 both dates inclusive.
Qualification Date Friday 3rd of May 2019
Payment Date On a Date to be communicated later, dividends will be paid electronically to shareholders whose names appear on the Register of Members as at Friday 3 May 2019 and who have completed the e-dividend registration and mandated the Registrar to pay their dividends directly into their Bank accounts.
E-Dividend Registration Shareholders who are yet to complete the e-dividend registration are advised to download the Registrar’s E-Dividend Mandate Activation Form, which is also available on the website of the Registrars:www.firstregistrarsnigeria.com
. Complete and submit to the Registrar or their respective Banks.
Unclaimed Dividend Warrants and Share Certificates Shareholders with dividend warrants and share certificates that have remained unclaimed, or are yet to be presented for payment or returned for validation are advised to complete the e-dividend registration or contact the Registrar.
Date of General Meeting Date of the Company’s Annual General Meeting will be communicated later.
Registrar First Registrars 2 Abebe Village Road iganmu Lagos 234(1)7743309,234(1)2701078-9 info@firstregistrarsnigeria.com and
Company Secretary Abayomi Odulana 09053900105 aodulana@prestigeassuranceplc.com

READ ALSO: Prestige Assurance posted N4.792bn Turnover in Full Year 2018

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