Coronation Capital (Mauritius) Limited to acquire Coronation Insurance Plc at 65 kobo

Coronation Insurance Plc has notified Nigerian Exchange that Coronation Capital (Mauritius) Limited on behalf of itself and other related parties, have approached the Board of Directors of the Company with an intention to acquire the shares held by other shareholders of Coronation Insurance, at an offer price of 65 Kobo per share, and subsequently delist the Company from NGX.

The offer price of 65 Kobo represents a premium of 30% to the Company’s share price of 50 Kobo on August 12, 2021 being the last traded price prior to the offer date.

It is intended that the Proposed Transaction will be implemented under a Scheme of Arrangement in line with section 715 of the Companies and Allied Matters Act, No.3 of 2020 (as amended) and other applicable rules and regulations.

The Proposed Transaction is subject to the review and clearance of the regulators as well as the approval of the shareholders of the Company. The terms and conditions of the Proposed Transaction will be provided in the Scheme Document which will be dispatched to all shareholders upon the convening of a General Meeting of the Company pursuant to an order by the Federal High Court. If the conditions of the Proposed Transaction are satisfied and same is sanctioned by the Court, the Company would be delisted from NGX.

Coronation Insurance’s shareholders and members of the public are advised to exercise caution in dealing in Coronation Insurance’s shares until further information is provided.

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