About us

Though we set out in a humble manner as STOCKSWATCH MAGAZINE in December 2000, we subsequently emerged as the nation’s most formidable voice on capital market activities, analysis and product marketing with awards to show. The magazine has however over the years evolved to become a frontline composite business newspaper.

The eighteen year old nationally circulated newspaper has the record of being the highest selling business newspaper ever in Nigeria. Till date, Stockswatch remains the toast in particular, of Investors in varied categories. The newspaper coverage spans across other areas of savings and investments like Real Estate and money market in addition to our core capital market activities. We also make bold to state that we are leader on Family & Kiddies Finance while our pension and retirement columns are second to none in the industry. Consequently, our audience cuts across.

Our expansionary drive over the years led to the creation of other media platforms in addition to the nationally circulated Stockswatch weekly newspaper. These include www.stocksng.com, Stockswatch on Radio and Stocks TV. Our radio and television presentations are often distributed via all social media platforms.